
Bale Slicer Kit

Kooima Ag


10.30 lbs

Product Description

The K385070 Bale Slicer is a great product for farmers that are wanting to shorten hay particle length within the same amount of mixing time. This product is used for cutting livestock rations into smaller particles which helps with feeding. Included in the kit is the K385024BIT replacement knife & K385024BITBK bolt kit to mount on the bale slicer weldment. You will need to purchase the K385062BK bolt kit separately as it is needed to mount the bale slicer between the knife and the auger. If you are installing on a Patz® wagon you will need to use K385021BK bolt kit. For optimum performance, use the K385018HP mixer knife.

The bale slicer is installed on top of the knives that are next to the feed restrictor. The placement of the bale slicer is different depending on the brand of wagon you have. For Patz®, Supreme™, Vermeer® and Schuler™ vertical wagons, mount the bale slicers on the second and third knives from the bottom. On Penta™ vertical wagons, these are installed on the second and third triangle knives from the bottom. For Laird™ vertical wagons, mount the bale slicers on the first and third knives from the bottom. For Trioliet® vertical mixers, you must use the flat mixer knives to run the bale slicer on the first and third knives from the bottom. For Valmetal® vertical mixers, mount the bale slicer on the second knife from the bottom.

Kooima Ag is one of the very few companies which continuously tests and looks for ways to improve wear and edge retention on our knives. Being the manufacturer and producing these in our Iowa plant allows us to implement changes and run tests without any delays. Also, having a high density of dairies and feedlots close to our plant allows for year-round testing in a variety of rations.

** Patent Pending **

Compatible Models

  • Vertical Mixers
Patz® is a registered trademark of Patz Corporation, which does not manufacture, distribute or endorse these parts.
  • Vertical Mixers
Penta™ is a trademark of Penta TMR, Inc., which does not manufacture, distribute or endorse these parts.
  • Vertical Mixers
Supreme™ is a trademark of Supreme International Ltd., which does not manufacture, distribute or endorse these parts.
  • Vertical Mixers
Laird™ is a trademark of Laird Manufacturing Corporation, which does not manufacture, distribute or endorse these parts.
  • Vertical Mixers
Peecon® is a registered trademark of Peeters Landbouwmachines B.V., which does not manufacture, distribute or endorse these parts.
  • Vertical Mixers
Trioliet® is a registered trademark of Trioliet-Mullos B.V., which does not manufacture, distribute or endorse these parts.
  • Vertical Mixers
Valmetal® is a registered trademark of Valmetal Inc., which does not manufacture, distribute or endorse these parts.
  • Vertical Mixers
Vermeer® is a registered trademark of Vermeer Manufacturing Corporation, which does not manufacture, distribute or endorse these parts.
  • Vertical Mixers
Schuler™ is a trademark of Schuler Mfg. & Equip. Co., which does not manufacture, distribute or endorse these parts.

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Customer Reviews

Andrew S.

Cut my mixing time in half. Great product. Highly recommended to others!

Dave R.

I like how it cuts up the hay. It does require more horse power but I can fit in about 1000 lbs more hay per load in the mixer. My mixer is the 1200. It definitely makes the ration finer in less time, and allows more hay in the mixer which is nice, I feed 200 cows in one pasture and can make one load now. I'm happy with the new changes. Thanks

Turner G.

I run allot of dry hay in a Patz 350. Installed 2 sets of these slicers along with the bale ripper and processing time cut well in half. Very happy with time saved and wear and tear on both the mixer and tractor with a great cut. Well worth the money as they will pay for themselves 2 fold.

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