Koyma Klad® Silage Plus Processor (6000 series) USED

Kooima Ag #SC3001USED

Weight: 999.00 lbs
  • This processor offers a new and more efficient way to process your silage, saving fuel and gaining capacity. Here at Kooima, we've been making knives and shearbars for over 30 years. That same extended life coated technology is applied to the teeth in this disc processor. We haven't seen any measurable wear on processors with over 190,000 tons of silage run through the disc. Conventional processing just isn't good enough anymore!
  • To fit 6000 series harvesters
  • Call for more details!
  • Patent: 9833785

Customer Testimonial

"'We have used this processor for 2 seasons on our 100 cow dairy plus through our custom work for a 300 cow dairy. Here in Manitoba, our ration consists of 45% alfalfa haylage and balance of corn silage. We have seen a gain in digest-ability in our herd and have been able to increase the length of the cut while still maintaining very good kernel processing. This has increased rumen activity that has resulted in significant increase in production." - Raymond Pelletier, Millennium Holsteins

Compatible models:
  • John Deere® 6610
  • John Deere® 6650
  • John Deere® 6710
  • John Deere® 6750
  • John Deere® 6810
  • John Deere® 6850
  • John Deere® 6910
  • John Deere® 6950


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